martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Glitter Shoes

La primera vez que vi "El Mago de Oz" siendo solo una niña me enamoré totalmente de los zapatos rojos de purpurina que lucía Dorothy!!! En general, debo admitir que tengo mucha fijación con los zapatos... pero durante todo este tiempo, los zapatos con purpurina han seguido encantándome!

First time I watched "The Wizard of Oz" I instantly fell in love with Dorothy's red glitter shoes!!! In general, I must confess that I am quite a shoe-obsessed.... but during all this time there is something that has captivated my about glitter shoes. Some inspiration...

Tumblr, MiuMiu

1 comentario:

  1. Hey,
    Great post.I love the combo of glitter and heels. I also wrote an article about it a couple of weeks ago. You can check it out here:
